A need and an introduction
All crew members have a post on the Sunny. But Oda choosed to show this part of the universe in several phases for each characters:
A form of need/want for the post or for a recruit. This need can sometimes be repeated. It can also be implicite and subtle
The introduction of the capacity of a character for the role. This is imperative, a post on the Sunny must not only be seen as a speciality, therefore Oda must setup the capacity of the character for the role BEFORE that character performs it on the ship. Without that, the spot would feel forced on the character
On top of that, the post must be helpfull for the crew in any shape or form concerning their objectives. Without that, the post has no real substance, no dramatic meaning. For example, there is no reason to have a writer/chronicler on board (at least at this stage of the story) a writer doesn't help the ship and it doesn't help the strawhats with their goal, meaning that it is a passive job that will benefit only one person. On the contrary, a archeologist is not a very intuitive post on a ship, but it is primordial in a world where the goal is to translate old writings.
Oda could break the chain of utility for the posts, but there is no evidences to support this claim YET.
So, let's see how it apply for the strawhats
In One Piece, a “good” captain is brave, powerful and must be able to protect the people he loves or work with.
Need for the Post: Luffy creates this need himself to get to Shanks. “One day, I’ll find myself a crew that is as strong as yours!! And I’ll find the world’s biggest treasure!!” - Chapter 1
Introduction to the capacity: Luffy's courage is presented since the beginning of chapter 1 when he stabs his cheek with a knife. But the real deal comes with his capacity of understanding perfectly his friend’s hardship and saving them from it. “The more you kicked me.. the harder you kicked me.. I wasn’t the one feeling that pain!!!!” - Chapter 844
Zoro has not been introduced officially as a vice-captain yet but the narration eavily implies that this role is what Zoro acts as. But technically, Zoro is the swordman of the crew. Anyway.. A vice-captain is one of the most important person after the captain. He is the voice of reason for the captain and can afford to seriously criticize his choices. He is a person who must remain fundamentally honest and loyal.
Need for the Post: Luffy creates this need himself when hearing about Zoro - “If he’s a good guy, I’ll let him join my crew!” - Chapter 2
Introduction to the capacity: Zoro’s integrity is brought up when you learn the reason for his torture after saving Rika in Shells Town - ”Roronoa Zoro saved me! Besides, those dogs were running loose and scaring everybody in town!” - Chapter 3
A navigator must have a detailed knowledge of the marine environments and meteorology. It’s a person who must be reactive and intelligent.
Need for the Post: Koby introduced the need for navigation to Luffy early on. “If you wander around at sea everytime, you’ll never become a pirate” - Chapter 3
Introduction to the capacity: Nami's ability for navigation is introduced in chapter 8 when she stole the ship from Baggy's crewmate. “There’s a bit of dark clouds towards the south.. Found a cloud approaching!! The storm following it.. The wind will pick up and then that boat will sink!! .. BINGO!” - Chapter 8
A gunner is a member of the crew who must have unsurpassed fire control and precision. He is also a seasoned and gifted fireworks artist with his hands.
Need for the Post: The need arises from the simple fact that the strawhats are understaffed. It’s Luffy who created this need. But the specific need, for Ussop this time, could also be introduced by Luffy in chapter 24 when he says "he's a great guy" after hearing the story about Kaya and Usopp. "Hey! It's an island […] maybe there's someone there who will join our crew" - Chapter 22
Introduction to the capacity: Usopp shoots with precision at the guards in Kaya's house in chapter 27
A cook must be able to ration food properly, but also to prepare adequate and healthy dishes for those who are hungry.
Need for the Post: It is introduced by Luffy in chapter 8 in response to Zoro, then by Usopp in chapter 42, after the illness of Yosaku. "And we need a cook and a musician and..." - Chapter 8
Introduction to the capacity: Sanji's capacity for rationing is introduced in chapter 43. "Food must never be wasted"
A doctor must be able to heal the crew’s injuries and treat illnesses, whether the patient is a friend or a foe. He must also have great knowledge of medecine’s sciences.
Need for the Post: It is subtly introduced by Nami in chapter 42, when Yosaku is on the ground following a scurvy attack but it will the need will be repeated mostly before the Drum arc by Vivi: "Isn't there anyone on board who knows a little medecine" - Chapter 130
Introduction to the capacity: Chopper's skills for are introduced in chapter 139 when he saves Sanji and Luffy from falling on top of Drum’s Mountain. ?"Doctor... the antibodies are working" - Chapter 139
The archaeologist must be able to find and decipher ancient secrets. In One Piece this person takes a particular pass as they are also the ones who will guide the ship's route towards the treasure and in particular, for the Strawhats, towards Raftel. Therefore, the archaeologist must have a great knowledge of the world and a great intelligence.
Need for the Post: Unlike other needs, Oda does not reveal the real need of the archaeologist for Luffy until after reading the first Road Poneglyph in chapter chapter 818. Robin's knowledge is thus necessary to read the road Poneglyph and find the road to the One Piece. But we can also see the need for Robin as a friend in Chapter 319 by Luffy: « So what? I still won’t let him take Robin!!!”
Introduction to the capacity: Robin’s ability to guide the Mugiwara’s pass was very subtly introduced on her first appearance, in chapter 114 when she proposes the Alabasta’s Eternal Pose to Luffy. Her abilities to decode the secrets of the world are introduced in chapter 202, when she talks with Cobra about her ability to read Poneglyphs and her association with Crocodile. "But the worst luck of all is where your log pose is sending you!!" - Chapter 114
The shipwright is a master of construction and repairs on a ship. He is very familiar with the secrets of making a ship and, therefore, must be able to repair them. If he is also an engineer, he must be able to build new technologies for the crew.
Need for the Post: It is subtly introduced in chapter 105 by Usopp who repairs Merry's mast snatched by Luffy: "That darn whale! He almost wrecked our ship! Hey! Gimme a hand here Zoro! I'm not the ship's carpenter" - Chapter 105
Introduction to the capacity: Franky's ability as a Shipwright was revealed in chapter 353 when CP9 entered the former headquarters of the shipbuilding company "Tom’s Workers". Franky turns out to be “Cutty Flam” one of the carpenters of this company.
The musician is the one who animates the life of the crew. His music warms the hearts, appeases the minds and can even make the crew braver. thereforeA musician must e have extremely communicative Joy.
Need for the Post: It was created by Luffy. This need has been repeated several times throughout story, mostly by Luffy: "And we need a cook and a musician and..." - Chapter 8
Introduction to the capacity: Brook’s song is the first thing we hear from him. « What is that music? » - Chapter 442
The helmsman is the one who steers the ship. It is a role that requires perfect knowledge of the currents and the ocean, but also great self-control in case of danger.
Need for the Post: The need for a helmsman appears throughout the manga in a subtle way. The characters will take turns at the helm. At the end of chapter 880, faced with the Big Mom tsunami, the need for a good helmsman became vital.
Introduction to the capacity: Jinbe's ability for the role of helmsman is shown in the beginning of chapter 548 .
A thematic link In One Piece, I've noticed (if you prefer that formulation rather that an affirmation) that Post are attached to skill and that those skills are attached to a thematic and in some ways, to some storylines.
I will show that for all the strawhat for people to understand how important this is:
Zoro, even if a part of the fanbase denies it, is the first mate.
And even if its not obvious, it comes with the set of skills, that skill is first to be the best combattant after the captain but also the one who is able to know the role of leader so much, that he can become one when the time comes. He needs to know his captain so well that he can think ahead. This is what Zoro showned at WaterSeven.
This is the skill part, the part that is important for the crew on the sea. But this skill comes with a thematic. For Zoro its honor and confidence. But even more so, the concept of the promisse, a promisse to Kuina and to Luffy. And you can look, this thematic is the bone of the structure of Zoro's backstory and overall character arc.
Nami is the navigator. For her, this is the notions of intelligence and reliability. Her set of skill is the navigation, to the point where Nami has a quasi magical sence of looking at the sea (thing that is still unexplained btw) and is therefore extremely reliable. Nami is the glue and the "mother" of the crew. She is the one on which we count to advance. This thematic of reliability is also at the center of Nami's character arc and backstory. She is the thief, the one that shouldn't be trusted but she is also the one who had to learn how to rely on other and her friend. Her intelligence as a child saved her village and her reliability is sticking the crew together now.
Usopp is the sniper but also the lyer, we must note those two sets of skills, they render the character really interesting. First Usopp is a Sharp Shooter but also a lyer. Those two skill actually work in tandem. Usopp's thematics are courage and pride. Usopp is a fine storyteller that transforms lies into truth. As such he is the one that transform his own destiny into something amazing. He is the one who always has to surpasses his own fear and own pride to become someone reliable and therefore a pride warrior of the sea. His skills are related to his vision he has of his own dad and should therefore flourish (pun intended) once he overcomes this abandon by facing him.
Sanji is the cook. Sanji's skills are the notions Zeff taught him about life and food. The thematic of Sanji is the notion of Kindness. Even if he is a tough guy sometimes, he is the one that won't hesitate to feed the ennemy. This kindness comes from his mother and is therefore relevant in the way he treats women. Reenforce by the way Zeff educated him. His skill and this thematic really shined in whole cake (reason why I love this arc so much).
Chopper is the doctor. His skills are obviously related to medecine, but his thematic - at least how I see it - is where it gets interesting. Chopper is a hard case but I think, i THINK.. that his thematic revolves around acceptance. Chopper was a monster and was rescused by a false doctor who accepted him as he was. But this did not stop Chopper from seeing himself as a monster, the death of Hiluluk in fact reenforced that sentiment. But Chopper finally accepted himself for Luffy, as a real monster if needed. And that's where I think Chopper's arc is unfinished. I think a realization lies ahead. A realization that he can't heal everything as promissed to his old friend. A sad but also liberating realization as it might permits him to find a real way to give a treatment to someone.. that might need it one day.... ahem.
Robin is the archeologist. Her skills are the capacity of reading poneglyph and decipher history. Her thematic more subtle, is the notion of purpose, of "cap" (yes, french word, no word like that in english). Robin is the one that opens the road in front of the crew and sets the metaphoric destination. Her story is all about finding the truth and the reason behind the eradication of her family. This is her purpose, but also one of the purpose of the story and the strawhats, to understand, to discover.
Franky is the shipwright. His skills are enginnering and construction. But like Usopp, the thematic of Franky is pride. Pride and selflove. This is a different type of pride than for Usopp, this is the pride to be himself. The story of Franky is all about this concept of self love to the point that Franky turned himself into the thing he dreams. But the biggest pride of Franky is his work, his constructions. That pride was challenged during Franky's flashback, as Franky's weapon are at the center of his mentor's death. But like Tom said, "there is nothing good and nothing bad in building a ship no matter what kind of ship it is. I don't care what kind of ships you build from now on!![...] Men should puff out their chests with pride and Boom over the ships they build" Which is basically another term for "men should be pride of their children no matter what". This is why Franky seeing with pride the Sunny going to the end of the world is so important thematically.
Brook is the musician. His skills are music and jokes. His thematic are the importance of the joy of life. His promisse to Laboon is just that, a testimony of life, the proof that he is still here. His character is all about life and the joy of living. And this reflects in his music.
Jinbe is the Helmsman. His skill are the navigation at sea and everything surrounding the guidance of the ship. Jinbe's thematic is very subtle, its all about Sacrifice abnegation and guidance. Jinbe is the one that his willing to sacrifice himself in order to save generations, he is also the one who will help the crew in dire situation who will guide it toward the light and life.
As you can see each characters recruit has a particular sets of skills that are made to resonnate with the thematic of their story/character arc/Backstories.